formerly: Thegiftedghostwriter.com & Inspiredlifeguide.com

​Self-Realization Self-Expression Soul Alignment Life Simplification

​Hi, I'm Jan...
an Inspired Teacher, Tuner, Guide, Ghostwriter, Editor, and Way Shower for all things contributing to Self-Realization, Soul Alignment, Life Simplification, and Full Self-Expression.
Many years ago, I felt a strong yearning to merge the aspects of myself and how I showed up in the world, me alone, me with my sons, with my friends, in my business, in my service, and with my partner, so that I could be all of me, no matter who I was with and what I was doing.
So, I did.
In 2023, I had a strong calling to merge my separate businesses into one website, one platform, one social media site, and one newsletter, instead of so many separate parts. One result of that is Jan Edwards.org
You may have been feeling something similar. So, what is this common desire really about?
It's an increasing awareness that we have agreed to suffering and severed our parts over our lifetimes, to please others, to do the should's that we were taught, in the ways we were conditioned. As planned, we are increasingly yearning to find the truth, which is, We Are All Unique and Beautiful Aspects and Perspectives of One. Don't separate yourself into different labels, aspects, and compartments. Be All of You.
We are here to explore, be inspired, experience, expand, express, and flourish. We are here to know our truth and be the love and magic that we are. There is no end to our expansion, not even when we leave this earth.
From a fight or flight birth experience and decades of hardship, trauma, and loss, I had a direct experience of the many shades of light and dark, freedom and fear, comfort and change. In the years before my son's passing in 2020, and the years after, I experienced an exponential heart healing and awakening, which facilitated shedding of judgment and patterns, remembrance and awareness of my gifts, and a deepening love and wisdom for myself and humans. Ultimately realizing who I really am and why I'm here, I consciously and continually released unconscious agreements and beliefs, and activated parts of me that were dormant, such as my voice, healing ability, and intuition, to more fully align with my purpose.
Whether you're here for intuitive guidance, assistance in expressing yourself, your site, book, mission or blog, emotional-energy clearing, space clearing, relationship ceremony, or life simplification, community and connection, or a complete transformation of yourself or your life, I am honored that you are here. I celebrate your decision to take your life and soul purpose into your hands.
(Learn More: https://linktr.ee/edwards.jan)

Group Calls on Zoom
(combining 2 former sites - InspiredLifeGuide and TheGiftedGhostwriter
Soul Sanctuary Conscious CommUnity
Past Creator-Host
Permission To Come ALIVE! Transmissions
Founder-Past President
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Orange County Chapter
Past Co-Creator, Facilitator
Awakening Connectors
Past Creator-Marketing-Event Coordinator
One Source Wellness
Past Organizer
Santa Barbara Wise Women Over 40 Meetup
Past Co-Creator-Host-Writer-Promoter
Holistic Source Radio
Past Creator-Facilitator-Promoter
Master of My Dreams Master Mind
Past Creator-Facilitator
Partners In Believing

My Interview on Blayne Sukut Podcast 1-29-25
The Highest Power of The Universe
Speaker 11-29-24 10 am-12 pm PST
"Peace & Women Saving the World Festival"
Live on Dr. Amba's Women's Festivals & Retreats FB Group
Presentation - Irvine Worldly Women Sept. 2023​
"What If It Were Easy"
One Interview One World Podcast
Interview "Death - A Higher Conversation"
Interview on KUCI Radio
Interview on Choices 4 Women Podcast
May 2016
What Is Your Holistic Lifestyle Radio Show
Interview November 2021 "Self-Actualization"
Interview on Princess Power Hour Podcast
Speaker at "Free Your Spirit"
Tina Talk For Women
What Is Your Holistic Lifestyle Radio Show
My One Source Wellness Holistic Lifestyle Fairs
Top 12 Nominee in 2013's
“Orange County Collaborative Business Leader”
Panel Speaker “Business Marketing Made Simple”
Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Mission Viejo
Panel Presenter “HOLOS” Retreat 2014
Presenter “Business Recovery is Self Discovery ~
You are Here to Blossom!”
Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Mission Viejo Chapter
Workshop Facilitator January 2019
"Clarifying Your Desires & Creating Your Vision"
Speaker “Prosperity 2013 Event”
Balboa Bay Club
Guest Presenter “Who Are You?” March 2015
Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Irvine Chapter
“Being Authentic”
Holistic Chamber of Commerce
Long Beach Chapter
"Permission To Come ALIVE!!"
Holistic Chamber of Commerce OC Chapter
People Growers Corporate Marketing Workshop
Orange County Corporate Lunch Talks